Do you want to be a millionaire?
Reaching the million-dollar mark is a laborious task and can only be accomplished by the serious individual who is willing to pay the price. Becoming a millionaire isn’t for those who just want to ‘settle’ in life. Nor will you become a millionaire if you’re looking for ‘get rich quick’ schemes. It requires high risk that can turn into high reward.
Even though becoming a millionaire is easier than it’s ever been, not many people are willing or able to do it. Many people ‘play it safe’ or let their excuses hold them back. However, for those who believe they can achieve great financial wealth in their lives, keep reading.
You might ask, “Why do I need to learn how to become a millionaire?” It’s simple. When most people think or talk about becoming millionaires, they’re actually looking to spend one million dollars, not necessarily earn millions of dollars. However, if you really think about it, there are many more reasons for becoming a millionaire.
If you knew it, you would do it.
1. Greatest Impact.
Being a millionaire is the easiest way to help people. When a person gets rich, others get rich. Every time you spend a dollar, someone benefits. Whether you’re tipping a server or buying goods or services, money is constantly flowing and enhancing the lives of others.
A millionaire pays more taxes than anyone, which establishes the basics: roads, schools, libraries, law enforcement, etc. In the United States, millionaires pay nearly 40% in taxes. If you’ve earned one million dollars in a year, that’s over $400,000! This kind of money has far more impact than the $15,000 average that most taxpayers contribute to society.
Money allows you to become more of who you are.
2. Inspire others.
When you have money, you can inspire people. Even though most rich people aren’t pretentious with their money, they still inspire people by what they do behind the scenes. Having money allows you to work on more meaningful projects and gives you time to work on charitable ventures.
For those who like to show off their money, they still turn heads and encourage others, even just by driving by in a Rolls-Royce or Ferrari. Because of the choices that money gives you, you’ll have a lot more control in your life, which in turn will inspire others.
Time is not money, but money is time.
3. Control.
There are two types of people in the world: those who try to fit their lifestyles into their wages and those who create their own lifestyle by setting their own wages. Unfortunately, more than 90% of the people in the world work for money. They let money control their lives and tell them what to do.
When you have money, you get to decide what kind of work you want to do. You don’t have to throw 50-plus hours into a grind that you don’t care about. Instead, you’ll get to conduct your affairs in the most convenient way, without letting your money control your actions.
4. Enjoyment.
Obviously, money gives you tremendous enjoyment in life. No one can say that they’re better off without money, despite the many people who try to ‘sell you’ on poverty. Enjoying your money is one of the greatest virtues of wealth. It gives birth to luxuries that you didn’t even know exist!
Whether you like to travel or eat in the finest restaurants, money offers conveniences that soothe you. Although people will tell you ‘money doesn’t make you happy,’ you can bet that they still smile when they get paid. Moreover, when you’re a millionaire, you can do what you want to do with whom you’d like to do it when you feel like doing it.
5. Confidence. There’s no confidence like ‘money’ confidence. When you have money, you feel like you can do almost anything. It’s not that money raises your self-esteem, but it allows you to operate more rationally. Most of all, you get to be yourself, instead of worrying about whether or not you can 'afford' the ice cream you’re buying for your loved ones.
The confidence that money provides can give your family ‘peace of mind.’ An average person has little to no life insurance, which means that when he or she dies, no money is left behind for the family for burial expenses and other losses. Think about it: you can be more confident when you have a $10,000,000 policy than a $0 policy.
When the mind is ready, the money will come.
6. Philanthropy.
Money allows you to give back in unprecedented ways. When most people give money, they don't know where it is going or why it's going there. They typically write checks out of 'guilt' or 'shame'. However, when you have 'millionaire money' you're able to give your money to causes you really believe in. Plus, the philanthropist actually obtains more money because they can generally control where it's going.
You have a choice on how you give, too. You can choose to give your money on general or specific terms. Even more, your giving can be fun and can be done in multiple ways. With money, you’ll be able to bless a tremendous amount of people. Plus, a generous person is always able to make friends, especially when they give away millions of dollars. The secret of living is giving.
Your level of living is determined by your level of giving.
7. The journey.
There’s more fun in aspiring than there is in acquiring. Because the journey to wealth is quite rigorous, it allows you to go through challenges that most people would never face in their lives. Who you become in the process is the most rewarding part of becoming a millionaire.
The journey will teach you about people, places, and things like never before. You’ll be able to learn who you are while reaching your highest desires. When you choose to become wealthy, you’ll go through an inspiring pathway of twists, turns, and turmoil. However, if you stick through it, you’ll quickly find that the journey was worth it in the end.
As you can see, there are many reasons to become a millionaire. When you know why you’re becoming wealthy, how to do it becomes easier. Pick one of these or all of these and start working on your journey of becoming a millionaire today. If you are serious about learning more about what it takes to become a millionaire, feel free to reach out to me!
Reaching the million-dollar mark is a laborious task and can only be accomplished by the serious individual who is willing to pay the price. Becoming a millionaire isn’t for those who just want to ‘settle’ in life. Nor will you become a millionaire if you’re looking for ‘get rich quick’ schemes. It requires high risk that can turn into high reward.
Even though becoming a millionaire is easier than it’s ever been, not many people are willing or able to do it. Many people ‘play it safe’ or let their excuses hold them back. However, for those who believe they can achieve great financial wealth in their lives, keep reading.
You might ask, “Why do I need to learn how to become a millionaire?” It’s simple. When most people think or talk about becoming millionaires, they’re actually looking to spend one million dollars, not necessarily earn millions of dollars. However, if you really think about it, there are many more reasons for becoming a millionaire.
If you knew it, you would do it.
1. Greatest Impact.
Being a millionaire is the easiest way to help people. When a person gets rich, others get rich. Every time you spend a dollar, someone benefits. Whether you’re tipping a server or buying goods or services, money is constantly flowing and enhancing the lives of others.
A millionaire pays more taxes than anyone, which establishes the basics: roads, schools, libraries, law enforcement, etc. In the United States, millionaires pay nearly 40% in taxes. If you’ve earned one million dollars in a year, that’s over $400,000! This kind of money has far more impact than the $15,000 average that most taxpayers contribute to society.
Money allows you to become more of who you are.
2. Inspire others.
When you have money, you can inspire people. Even though most rich people aren’t pretentious with their money, they still inspire people by what they do behind the scenes. Having money allows you to work on more meaningful projects and gives you time to work on charitable ventures.
For those who like to show off their money, they still turn heads and encourage others, even just by driving by in a Rolls-Royce or Ferrari. Because of the choices that money gives you, you’ll have a lot more control in your life, which in turn will inspire others.
Time is not money, but money is time.
3. Control.
There are two types of people in the world: those who try to fit their lifestyles into their wages and those who create their own lifestyle by setting their own wages. Unfortunately, more than 90% of the people in the world work for money. They let money control their lives and tell them what to do.
When you have money, you get to decide what kind of work you want to do. You don’t have to throw 50-plus hours into a grind that you don’t care about. Instead, you’ll get to conduct your affairs in the most convenient way, without letting your money control your actions.
4. Enjoyment.
Obviously, money gives you tremendous enjoyment in life. No one can say that they’re better off without money, despite the many people who try to ‘sell you’ on poverty. Enjoying your money is one of the greatest virtues of wealth. It gives birth to luxuries that you didn’t even know exist!
Whether you like to travel or eat in the finest restaurants, money offers conveniences that soothe you. Although people will tell you ‘money doesn’t make you happy,’ you can bet that they still smile when they get paid. Moreover, when you’re a millionaire, you can do what you want to do with whom you’d like to do it when you feel like doing it.
5. Confidence. There’s no confidence like ‘money’ confidence. When you have money, you feel like you can do almost anything. It’s not that money raises your self-esteem, but it allows you to operate more rationally. Most of all, you get to be yourself, instead of worrying about whether or not you can 'afford' the ice cream you’re buying for your loved ones.
The confidence that money provides can give your family ‘peace of mind.’ An average person has little to no life insurance, which means that when he or she dies, no money is left behind for the family for burial expenses and other losses. Think about it: you can be more confident when you have a $10,000,000 policy than a $0 policy.
When the mind is ready, the money will come.
6. Philanthropy.
Money allows you to give back in unprecedented ways. When most people give money, they don't know where it is going or why it's going there. They typically write checks out of 'guilt' or 'shame'. However, when you have 'millionaire money' you're able to give your money to causes you really believe in. Plus, the philanthropist actually obtains more money because they can generally control where it's going.
You have a choice on how you give, too. You can choose to give your money on general or specific terms. Even more, your giving can be fun and can be done in multiple ways. With money, you’ll be able to bless a tremendous amount of people. Plus, a generous person is always able to make friends, especially when they give away millions of dollars. The secret of living is giving.
Your level of living is determined by your level of giving.
7. The journey.
There’s more fun in aspiring than there is in acquiring. Because the journey to wealth is quite rigorous, it allows you to go through challenges that most people would never face in their lives. Who you become in the process is the most rewarding part of becoming a millionaire.
The journey will teach you about people, places, and things like never before. You’ll be able to learn who you are while reaching your highest desires. When you choose to become wealthy, you’ll go through an inspiring pathway of twists, turns, and turmoil. However, if you stick through it, you’ll quickly find that the journey was worth it in the end.
As you can see, there are many reasons to become a millionaire. When you know why you’re becoming wealthy, how to do it becomes easier. Pick one of these or all of these and start working on your journey of becoming a millionaire today. If you are serious about learning more about what it takes to become a millionaire, feel free to reach out to me!